ESH Video

History of ESH

Professor Michel Boiron founded ESH in 1985 at the famous “Institut Universitaire d’Hématologie (IUH)” which he directed at that time, following in the steps of Professor Jean Bernard and Professor Jean Dausset who founded the Institute in 1958. The IUH is located on the grounds of the historic university teaching hospital “Hôpital Saint Louis”,  in Paris. At the time it was founded, ESH was the only institution of its kind in the world. It remains the only insitution for continuing education with a specific focus on Haematology.

The goal of the School has always been to promote communication among scientists at the pan-European level, to catalyze the creation of new trans-European basic and clinical research networks, and to contribute to the education and integration of younger scientists in the active European scientific community. The School aims to contribute to the international reputation of European science and medicine and to help to improve the quality of healthcare for patients with blood disorders.

Many haematological disorders  have strong socio-economic impact for the European Union; ESH is a resource for healthcare policy decision makers to wish to address current health issues and anticapte those that are forthcoming.

The European Commission has supported ESH since 1993 through Marie Curie Actions, the EACEA’s Life-Long Learning Programme, and DG Sanco.

ESH works in partnership with many other prestigious scientific organizations and institutions. These include the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), the European Hematology Association (EHA), the International CML Foundation (iCMLf), the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Eurocord, Netcord, the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the Brazilian School of Haematology.

One example of a partnership that contributed to design the European Health Space for haematologists,  was the development a pan-European system for the accreditation and quality control of CME live events.  This system was created through a partnership between EHA and ESH, and with the EBMT and the national societies of haematology in Europe. It was funded by the European Commission..

ESH develops all its scientific projects and programmes independently. The support the School received from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors in the form of educational grants  dooes not impede on this independency while helping  to defray the costs of conference organization and the development of distance training tools.

ESH has worked for 30 years to improve and harmonize the quality of education in haematology throughout Europe with the active implication of the world’s most prominent haematologists and haematology organisations and with the support of the European Commission and corporate partners.


Hopital Saint Louis

Hôpital Saint Louis