If you prefer to pay your registration fee or sponsorship by bank transfer or cheque please use the information below:
Cheques should be made out to the order of the European School of Haematology and mailed to ESH, IUH Centre Hayem, 1 av Claude Vellefaux 75475, Paris Cedex 10, France (N.B. : it is very important that you keep a photocopy of your cheques and that you indicate cleary for which conference or activity you are making the payment as well as the name or names of participants for whom you are paying the registration fee)
if you choose to pay by bank transfer, please contact Davina Schlumberger at: info(@)esh.org (N.B.: it is very important that you keep a copy or proof of your bank transfer and that you indicate cleary for which conference or activity you are making the payment as well as the name or names of participants for whom you are paying the registration fee).