• Update on pathophysiology on sickle cell disease,
thalassemia and normal red blood cell
• Iron and erythropoiesis
• Inflammation in sickle cell disease
• Dyserythopoiesis in thalassemia
• Premature aging in sickle cell and thalassemia
• Fetal hemoglobin control
• Novel pharmacologic approaches to sickle cell disease and thalassemia
• Novel genomic approaches to sickle cell and thalassemia
This meeting will be valuable to you if you are looking for:
• A cutting-edge scientific program – from basic science to clinical and therapeutic applications and perspectives
• Multiple opportunities for scientific interaction with an international faculty of distinguished experts
• An emphasis on critical discussion
The meeting will provide clinicians and scientists with state-of-the-art recommendations regarding patient care and insight in controversies in the field.
Plenary Sessions - Simultaneous Meet the Experts Sessions
Round Table Discussions - Poster Presentations
Short Oral Communications - Ample time for in-depth discussion
With the support of*:
Level 2 Conference Partner
Supporting Conference Partner
*ESH conference programmes are developed in strict scientific independence
with no input from corporate sponsors.