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2 weeks left to register: 2nd How to Diagnose and Treat Acute Leukaemia!
2 weeks left to register: 2nd How to Diagnose and Treat Acute Leukaemia!
February 24, 2020
March 13-15, 2020
Budapest, Hungary
Chairs: Hervé Dombret, Arnold Ganser, Jorge Sierra, Wendy Stock
The programme of this “2
nd How to Diagnose and Treat: Acute Leukaemia” meeting will address the integration of genomic analysis and cutting-edge techniques for routine diagnosis, gene mutation-based therapies and new standard treatment algorithms, allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell (HSCT) transplantation and innovative immunotherapies, as well as the diagnosis and management of rare acute leukaemia subtypes.
This meeting will be valuable for you if you are looking for:
- A cutting-edge scientific programme – from basic science to clinical and therapeutic applications and perspectives
- Multiple opportunities for scientific interaction with an international faculty of distinguished experts
- An emphasis on critical discussion
The meeting will provide clinicians and biologists with state-of-the-art recommendations regarding patient care and insights into controversies and new therapeutic perspectives in the field.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the modern sets of diagnosis tests needed to optimally manage patients with AML and ALL
- Review and hierarchize the new treatment standards that available to AML and ALL patients for front-line and for salvage therapy
- Understand the value and role of leukaemic stem cell targeting and measurable residual disease (MRD) levels to stratify acute leukaemia therapy
- Gain insight into emerging mechanisms associated with clinical resistance and leukaemia escape
- Understand the effects and place of new immunotherapies with respect to standard or new HSCT procedures
With the support of*
Major Conference Partners
Level 2 Conference Partners
Supporting Partner
*ESH conference programmes are developed in strict scientific independence
with no input from corporate sponsors.