ESH Video

Training Course on Diagnosis and Management of Very Rare Red Cell and Iron Disorders

Training Course on Diagnosis and Management of Very Rare Red Cell and Iron Disorders
January 29 - January 30, 2016 - Lisbon (Turcifal), Portugal
Chairs : Patricia Aguilar-Martinez, Paola Bianchi, Achille Iolascon, Richard Van Wijk, Alberto Zanella


ESH – ENERCA Training Course on
Diagnosis and Management
of Very Rare Red Cell and Iron Disorders
January 29 – 30, 2016
Lisbon (Turcifal), Portugal
Chairs: Patricia Aguilar-Martinez, Paola Bianchi, Achille Iolascon, Richard Van Wijk, Alberto Zanella 


   Co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union


This Training Course is organized in collaboration with ENERCA


– Disorders of red cell production
– Disorders of red cell survival – Hereditary hemolytic anaemias
– Disorders of red cell survival – Acquired hemolytic anaemias
– Diagnosis and treatment of very rare anaemias

The programme will include:
– Plenary sessions
– Clinical cases
– Interactive group discussions
– Keynotes lecutres
– Voting boxes

Rua do Campo
Portugal 2565-770

Dolce Campo Real Hotel is located 30 minutes from Lisbon’s International Airport, 50 minutes from Lisbon city centre and 20 minutes from the beaches of the Silver Coast.
ESH organizes a free bus transfer from/to the airport. Please book your seat online in the Accommodation or Venue sections.



1 Scientific Programme ESH-Enerca Training Course 22012016 2 Scientific Programme ESH-Enerca Training Course 22012016 3 Scientific Programme ESH-Enerca Training Course 22012016 4 Scientific Programme ESH-Enerca Training Course 22012016

Abstract submission

Deadline for abstracts: December 1st, 2015

To submit your abstract for a case presentation,  please make sure you are first registered to the meeting.
Send your abstract by e-mail to Maude Brunet-Lecomte:

Check that you do receive an acknowledgement of your submitted abstract. If not, contact the person cited above.


No more than 400 words.
They can be structured (eg Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions) or unstructured.

Your abstract should contain the following information:
1. Title (capital letters)
2. Authors with name of presenting author under-scored
3. Name and e-mail of corresponding author
4. Institution and city of origin
5. Text
6. Acknowledgements (if necessary) (no references please)




Rua do Campo
Portugal 2565-770

Dolce Campo Real Hotel is located 30 minutes from Lisbon’s International Airport, 50 minutes from Lisbon city centre and 20 minutes from the beaches of the Silver Coast.


*Accommodation available at special conference rates:
Please download the form HERE to book your room and the otpional dinner (on January 29th) at the Dolce Camporeal Hotel, where the training course will take place.

Please, send your hotel/dinner booking form before January 20th to the Dolce Camporeal Hotel:


*How to go to the hotel from the airport:
– By taxi: from 65€ to 80€
– By bus: ESH organizes a free bus transfer from/to the airport. Please book your seat HERE.

Please, send your bus booking form before January 1st to ESH:



Rua do Campo
Portugal 2565-770

Dolce Campo Real Hotel is located 30 minutes from Lisbon’s International Airport, 50 minutes from Lisbon city centre and 20 minutes from the beaches of the Silver Coast.


*Accommodation available at special conference rates:
Please download the form HERE to book your room and the otpional dinner (on January 29th) at the Dolce Camporeal Hotel, where the training course will take place.

Please, send your hotel/dinner booking form before January 20th to the Dolce Camporeal Hotel:


*How to go to the hotel from the airport:
– By taxi: from 65€ to 80€
– By bus: ESH organizes a free bus transfer from/to the airport. Please book your seat HERE.

Please, send your bus booking form before January 1st to ESH:


Corporate partners

with the support of




Premium conference partner


Major conference partner





Level 2 conference partner





Educational Grants


The registration fee for this ESH-ENERCA Training course  is 300 €.

This fee includes:
Your seat in the Conference Room
The conference materials,
Luncheons, refreshments throughout the conference. (Dinners are NOT included)

Your seat in the conference will be definitively reserved upon receipt of your fee.

ypes of payment :

A) By Cheque :
ESH, Centre Hayem, Hôpital Saint Louis
1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux
75475 Paris Cedex 10

B) By Bank transfer :
Bank address: BNPParibas, 156 avenue Parmentier, 75010 Paris, France
Bank code: 30004. 
Agency code: 01730.
Account number: 00010099772. 
Control key: 92.
IBAN: FR 76 3000 4017 3000 0100 9977 292

C) By Credit card : VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX

Cancellation policy of registration fee

In case of cancellation, up until one month prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (less bank charges).
If the cancellation is notified between 1 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (less bank charges).
Cancellations notified during the meeting will not be reimbursed.


Please make sure that your Internet browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome…) is up-to-date. Using an old version may prevent you from visualising the full website content.

A) For Individual Registration:
If you would like to attend an ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Register yourself on the ESH Virtual Network using your personal data.
2. Please go to the registration page of the conference you would like to attend.
3. Click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete your registration.
4. Proceed with the payment.

B)  For Third Party Registration:
If you are registering a third party for an ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Create a Virtual Network profile for the individual you would like to register. (It is very important to provide the personal email address corresponding to the person who will participate in the activity. Your details can be added to the « Address of Invoicing » section.)
2.The third party will receive an email confirmation with the username (email address of the third party) and password (please note the password that you use to open the Virtual Network account).
3. This information (username and password) will allow you to register the third party for any ESH Conference or Training Course.
4. Please return to the registration page of the conference and click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete your registration.
5. Proceed with the payment.

C) For Group Registration (More than one person):
If you are registering more than one person for any ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Register yourself in the ESH Virtual Network using your personal data.
2. Once you receive your username and password, return to the registration page of the conference in which you would like to register your group.
3. Click on the GROUP REGISTRATION button.
4. Fill in the complete details for each person that you would like to register (it is very important to use the personal email address of each participant you are registering, failure to do so will prohibit you from completing the registrations.)
5. Proceed with the payment

Register Here