ESH-GR-EX 2nd International Symposium on
Red Blood Cells: Genesis and Pathophysiology
April 18-20, 2018
Marriott Rive Gauche, Paris, France
Chairs: Wassim El Nemer, Olivier Hermine, Mohandas Narla, Marieke Von Lindern
The course has two major learning objectives, one related to improving our understanding of the red blood cell as a key player in human physiology, the other to developing high quality research projects on red cells.
The course is designed to cover the three stages of the red cell life: differentiation, circulation and senescence, both in health and disease. The following topics will be addressed:
At the end of the course, the attendees should have a better knowledge of the red cell physiology, they should be able to identify pathological conditions where abnormal red cell functions influence the pathophysiology of the disease and to build new scientific research programs dealing with red cell functions or disorders.
Your abstract can be selected for a short oral presentation or a poster presentation.
Abstract submission guidelines:
– Your abstract has to be structured (eg Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions)
– Maximum number of words: 400
– Your abstract will be submitted to the peer review procedure.
To book your accommodation at Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel, where the conference will take place, please click here.
Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel
17, boulevard Saint Jacques
75014 Paris – France
The registration fee for this conference is:
– Regular registration fee: 500€
– Registration fee for residents in training: 380€ (support document required)
This fee includes :
Your seat in the Conference Room,
The Conference Materials,
Luncheons, refreshments throughout the conference.
Your seat in the conference will be definitively reserved upon receipt of your fee.
Type of payment :
A) By Cheque :
ESH, Centre Hayem, Hôpital Saint Louis
1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux
75475 Paris Cedex 10
B) By Bank transfer :
Bank address: BNPParibas, 156 avenue Parmentier, 75010 Paris, France
Bank code: 30004.
Agency code: 01730.
Account number: 00010099772.
Control key: 92.
IBAN: FR 76 3000 4017 3000 0100 9977 292
C) By Credit card : VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX
Cancellation policy of registration fee :
In case of cancellation, up until one month prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (less bank charges).
If the cancellation is notified between 1 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (less bank charges).
Cancellations notified during the meeting will not be reimbursed.
Please make sure that your Internet browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome…) is up-to-date. Using an old version may prevent you from visualising the full website content.
A) For Individual Registration:
If you would like to attend an ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Register yourself on the ESH Virtual Network using your personal data.
2. Please go to the registration page of the conference you would like to attend.
3. Click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete your registration.
4. Proceed with the payment.
B) For Third Party Registration:
If you are registering a third party for an ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Create a Virtual Network profile for the individual you would like to register. (It is very important to provide the personal email address corresponding to the person who will participate in the activity. Your details can be added to the « Address of Invoicing » section.)
2.The third party will receive an email confirmation with the username (email address of the third party) and password (please note the password that you use to open the Virtual Network account).
3. This information (username and password) will allow you to register the third party for any ESH Conference or Training Course.
4. Please return to the registration page of the conference and click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete your registration.
5. Proceed with the payment.
C) For Group Registration (More than one person):
If you are registering more than one person for any ESH Conference or Training Course, please follow these steps:
1. Register yourself in the ESH Virtual Network using your personal data.
2. Once you receive your username and password, return to the registration page of the conference in which you would like to register your group.
3. Click on the GROUP REGISTRATION button.
4. Fill in the complete details for each person that you would like to register (it is very important to use the personal email address of each participant you are registering, failure to do so will prohibit you from completing the registrations.)
5. Proceed with the payment