ESH Video

17th ESH - EBMT Training Course on Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

17th ESH - EBMT Training Course on Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
April 25 - April 28, 2013 - Syracuse, Sicily
Chairs : J. Apperley, E. Carreras, E. Gluckman, T. Masszi


Chairs: E. Gluckman, J. Apperley, E. Carreras, T. Masszi
Local organizer: G. Milone

Dear Colleagues,

Syracuse in Sicily will host the next ESH-EBMT Training Course on Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation will be held from April 25th to 28th, 2013. The meeting will be chaired by Eliane Gluckman (Paris), Tamas Masszi (Budapest), Jane Apperley (London) and Enric Carreras (Barcelona). The local host this year is Dr Giuseppe Milone (Catania).

Every year, the ESH-EBMT Training Course provides a comprehensive training in all aspects of autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation and comprises a mixture of formal lectures, case presentations by attendees and faculty, meet-the-expert breakfasts and dinner table discussions. For each topic an explanation of the basic principles is provided, followed by development of the subject through to the most recent advances in understanding and management. The objective of the course is to give opportunity to the attendees to have close contact and lively interaction with the teachers and the group in a nice setting. All slides will be available after the course on ESH and EBMT websites. The speakers are chosen not only for their expertise in their subject but also for their teaching skills and willingness to discuss the field of transplant in both formal and informal settings. The course is suitable for physicians at all stages of their career and is particularly useful for those in training, for those who wish to develop their current practice to a more challenging type of transplant and also as an update for established transplanters.


For more information, please contact Nicolas Jaillard:


Abstract submission

Deadline for submission of case studies, abstracts or posters : The Abstract Submission Deadline has been reached



There is no symposium at this Training Course.


Syracuse, Grand Hotel Minareto, April 25/28, 2013

Room availability guaranteed until March 6th, 2013

Click here form to download the Hotel booking form.

Please send the reservation form together with the deposit to:
Finivest Congressi s.r.l., via G. D’Annunzio 125, 95126 Catania, Italy
telephone +39 095 383412 fax +39 095 370419
e-mail :

The deposit is equal to the first night plus the reservation fee of € 10,00 (VAT included) per room.
Deposit and reservation fee are not refundable.

Settlement must be done by March 25th 2013.


Grand Hotel Minareto
Via del Faro Massolivieri, 26
96100, Syracuse, Sicily

Corporate partners




The scholarship Request Deadline has been reached


Educational Grants




The registration fee For ESH-EBMT Training Course is 600 €.

This fee includes :
– the teaching materials (free access to the slides via the ESH and EBMT websites after the meeting is over)
– The welcome cocktail on April 25th, 2013
– Coffee breaks throughout the meeting
– Lunch during the meeting
– The ‘Meet the Expert’ Thematic Dinner
– Coffee and tidbits during the morning Meet the Expert Sessions


Your seat in the conference will be definitively reserved upon receipt of your fee.


Type of payment :

A) By Cheque :
ESH, Centre Hayem, Hôpital Saint Louis
1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux
75475 Paris Cedex 10

B) By Bank transfer :
RIB :     30004      01730     00010099772     92 
IBAN code : FR76 3000 4017 3000 0100 9977 292

C) By Credit card : VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX

Cancellation policy of registration fee :

In case of cancellation, up until one month prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (less bank charges).
If the cancellation is notified between 1 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (less bank charges).
Cancellations notified during the meeting will not be reimbursed


How to proceed :

Please make sure that your Internet browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome…) is up-to-date. Using an old version may prevent you from visualising the full website content.

A) For Individual Registration:
1. Register yourself on the ESH Virtual Network using your personal data.
2. Please go to the registration page of the conference you would like to attend.
3. Click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete your registration.
4. Proceed with the payment.

B) For Third Party Registration:
1. Create a Virtual Network profile for the person who will participate in the event (It is very important to provide the personal email address corresponding to the participant. Your details can be added to the « Address of Invoicing » section.)
2. You and the third party will receive a confirmation email with the username (email address of the third party) and password détails (please note the password that you use to open the Virtual Network account).
3. Return to the registration page of the conference the third party would like to attend.
4. Click on the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION button to complete the third party registration and proceed with payment.

Register Here